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Bear/Packer Table


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This photo is of a bear and packer's table made by Jeff Stewart. There is a bunch of Bear/Packer memorabilia in Donovan's Reef, but my favorite one was this table. The reason we have so many Bear/Packers related items at Donovan's is because we are so close to Illinois that its locally huge in Twin Lakes when the Bears and the Packers play each other and because it has a cultural connection to the area being that for the most part you are either a Bears or a Packer's fan down there.  

By having certain items at your bar related to sports, especially the Bears and the Packers, it shows its interest in serving sports enthusiasts. The items in your bar can improve the customers' experience at your bar and make it a more positive and memorable time for them. What this table shows about Donovan's is that when the bears and packers play each other it will be playing at the bar. 

By supporting the rivalry of local sports teams, it can lead to more customers and people having a positive relation to your bar. In an article on “” it explains that “It’s also wise to use external elements to create an association with positive feelings or emotions towards your venue, to help improve your external reputation. If you are a pub, associate yourself with prominent local beer brands, or significant sporting codes in your local area.” This proves the point that supporting local sports teams will lead to a better reputation at your bar and further lead to more customers attending your place of business. 

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