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Sumo Wrestler Photo


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This photo is a photo of Sandy Stewart, one of the past owners of Donovan's Reef in a sumo wrestling outfit. A local distruster of Miller Beer would come out every 2 weeks on Friday nights and host the events at the certain bars that ordered the most beer/product, but they would have to have room in their bar for them to host it. They would bring the suits and the mats. There was always a winner at the end of the night but there wasn't a prize, all you got was bragging rights.  

This was another event that not many bars would have so it would lead to more customers wanting to come in and experience it. Sumo wrestling matches are visually exciting and full of energy, which leads to customers that will enjoy their time spent leading to a better overall atmosphere at the bar. Sumo wrestling will drag people in because it's a social event where you can enjoy yourselves and watch matches. This event offers a unique experience that customers will go home and talk about with other people, which will lead to other cliental wanting to come back the next time this event happens. Unique events like these can lead to a massive number of new customers and from a business standpoint having these kinds of events is very smart. Overall, an event like this shows the kind of thrilling and exciting environment they would have.

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