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Local Bar Map


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This is a photo of a map of all the local businesses in Kenosha County. The arrow in the photo is point to Donovan's Reef and an animated version of Jeff Stewart’s head. An advertising company out in Florida would come to different towns and counties and sell to businesses the opportunity to be on a map of the area they were located in. In the map they would put 25 or so mistakes like flipped around letters or misspelled words for example. The objective as a customer eating or drinking at the place the map was at was to find all the mistakes and mail them to the company. Then they would send you around 25$-50$ worth that you can spend on any of the businesses in that specified area.  

Being featured on the map increased the visibility of Donovan's to new potential customers. People looking for different bars in the area were now more likely to visit Donovan's because of this advertisement. Maps distributed to different bars and restaurants in the area will now advertise Donovan's at their business thus leading to more potential customers and more business. Being seen in other people's businesses shows customers that they trust and recommend your bar and that can improve your credibility and reputation in your community. This all contributes to the positive reputation Donovan's has as a bar and how it led to attracting new customers. 

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